Massage Rates

60 Minutes $95

60 Minute Hot Stone Massage $120

60 Minute PreNatal $95

90 Minutes $130

90 Minute Hot Stone Massage $155

90 Minute PreNatal $130

Your session will be tailored to your individual preferences, which you may indicate to your massage therapist at the time of your session. *Includes: Swedish, Sports Massage, Prenatal Massage, Positional Release, Deep Tissue Massage.


Deep Tissue Massage

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep Tissue massage focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. The purpose is to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slower strokes and deeper hand or finger pressure on the contracted or restricted areas of muscle, tendon and fascia. The term "Deep Tissue" is a general name for a variety of techniques that are often blended together during your massage.

Deep Tissue techniques include massage modalities such as Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Cranial Structural Therapy, Sports Massage, trigger point massage and other massage techniques. These techniques also often include stretching, and often your therapist will suggest deep breathing to help your muscles release and to keep any discomfort to a minimum.

What is the purpose of Deep Tissue Massage?

The purpose of Deep Tissue massage is to "unstick" the fibers of a muscle while releasing deeply-held patters of tension and dysfunction. In addition Deep Tissue massage assists the removal of metabolic waste from the muscles and relaxes and soothes the muscles. It is both corrective and therapeutic.

Will Deep Tissue Massage hurt?

Deep Tissue massage is relaxing, but due to the very specific nature of the massage clients may experience some soreness during or after the massage. The massage therapists can tailor this massage to your individual needs. Each massage therapist has had advanced training in Deep Tissue techniques and will ask you during the massage where you have areas of tension or pain and how you feel about the pressure used during your massage. If at any time you wish to have the therapist use less pressure you should let her know. While the Deep Tissue techniques may cause minor discomfort, the treatment should not be extremely painful. Do not hesitate to tell your therapist if you wish to have her use less pressure. If you do experience soreness after your Deep Tissue massage, you should put an ice pack on the area of tenderness for 10 minutes. If the soreness persists, repeat for 10 minutes after taking a 10 minute break in between icings. This can be repeated as necessary during the following 24 hours.

Will I be able to relax during Deep Tissue massage?

Many people want to relax during their massage, but also to have specific areas of tension released. We call this type of massage our "Basic Deep Tissue Massage." In this treatment we blend components of simple relaxation massage with some of the more specific massage to address trouble areas. You determine how much Deep Tissue treatment is right for you.

How often should I get Deep Tissue massage?

Sometimes after your Deep Tissue massage, your massage therapist will recommend follow up visits to further address the problem areas. Receiving a few Deep Tissue massage treatments in a period of a few weeks or a month will help your body to establish a new pattern of healthy and relaxed muscle function, rather than the previous pattern of tension and dysfunction. Many people choose to see a massage therapist bi-weekly or monthly to maintain the benefits of Deep Tissue massage and to help avoid future pain or risk of injury.

Pregancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage, also called Prenatal Massage or Maternity Massage is a wonderful treatment for the mother-to-be! This massage shares many of the goals of regular massage such as relaxation, increase in mobility, relief from sore muscles and joints, and a general feeling of well-being. Pregnancy massage is also specifically tailored to the unique needs of the pregnant woman and her changing body. Our therapists are specifically trained in the advanced modality of Pregnancy Massage, and adjust the technique, pressure, and positioning accordingly. Our office offers a comfortable quiet environment and we make sure the treatment is all about the mom!


Some of the specific benefits of pregnancy massage can include:

  • Relief of muscular tension, especially in low back, upper back, shoulders, neck and feet

  • Reduction of stress on weight-bearing joints

  • Improved body awareness, including body mechanics and movement during structural changes

  • Reduced anxiety and stress during time of transition

  • Increased ease in breathing due to relaxation of muscles involved in respiration

  • Preparation of muscles used during childbirth

  • Reduced swelling in hands and feet

  • Reduced sciatic pain and leg cramps

  • Emotional support and nurturing

  • Improved sleep


Many women are concerned about positioning during their pregnancy massage. We offer a special table designed specifically for Pregnancy Massage so that the mother may lie face down during her massage. The table has holes cut for the breasts and abdomen with adjustable support for the abdomen so the low back is not stressed. In addition we use pillows and bolsters when necessary to provide the highest level of comfort.

Because of the tremendous physical and hormonal changes that occur in the expectant mother, we generally do not recommend any massage during the first trimester. The second and third trimesters are wonderful times to experience prenatal massage. An exception to this would be in the case of headaches or sinus problems. If the client is experiencing either of these conditions and is not able to find relief we recommend a half hour head and neck massage for relief.


During the second and third trimesters many women choose to have massage every other week, or every week. This provides regular comfort and support as your body changes. We offer package pricing if you would like to receive massage regularly during your pregnancy. We also offer a session where your partner, birth-coach, or a family member may attend and learn massage techniques they may use during the delivery to make you more comfortable.


Massage during pregnancy is safe for most mothers. You should notify your therapist if you have any of the following conditions: heavy discharge, continued abdominal pain, diabetes, fever, rapid weight gain, high blood pressure, morning sickness, pre-eclampsia, or severe headaches. Some of these conditions are contraindicated for massage, and you may be required to get permission from your physician if any of these conditions exist. In addition, if you experience a high-risk pregnancy or have asthma, liver or renal conditions, heart disease, hypertension, or you are under 20 or over 40 you should consult your physician prior to scheduling.